Tales From the Hood 2 Why Didnt They Use Clarence Williams the 3rdn Again
The second segment is very creative due north the overall film a decent one to savor this Halloween flavor.
The start ane is ur typical greed n revenge a la Japanese horror films wher ghosts return to have revenge. The second is the best well-nigh a racist guy hiding in a bunker. The 3rd is very predictable nigh an aged n sick opera singer with tons of cash northward jewelry n no heir or relatives n nursed by two strangers. The last 1 is kinda funny. The guy who played the robber is surely suffering from side effects of steroids which itself is hilarious. Watch out for the second, a artistic 1.
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The bad things are coming
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Todd has picked up a daughter from school and is walking her to his identify. They must be tranquillity or else the monsters/demons volition hear them. The niggling girl tell Todd iv horror stories. 1) a developer goes to neat lengths to become a family unit to move. ii) White supremacist in a bunker. 3) Support singer who wants to exist a star iv) a criminal walks in his victims shoes.
The stories were fairly decent. I really liked the second 1 having a Twilight Zone twist.
Guide F-discussion. Brief sex. No nudity.
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Better then part ii
Stories were ok....better then the 2nd one I honestly feel they waited to long to make these sequels part 1 will forever exist a archetype....simply role 3 is ok
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Iv Scary Tales
While escaping from an evil affair, an old man (Tony Todd) listens to 4 horror tales told by a young girl (Sage Arrindell).
1st "Ruby Gates") The landlord David Burr (London Brown) needs to evict his last tenant, the Bradford Family, from his flat building to brand lots of coin in a profitable construction business. However, the family refuses to leave the identify since their son is treating cancer in a hospital virtually to the edifice. David decides to rent a low life to burn the Bradford apartment to get rid of the tenants, but things go wrong.
second "The Bunker") A racist man is solitary in a bunker promoting a white supremacy, only something unexpected happens.
3rd "Operatic") The backing vocal Chela Simpson (Savannah Basley) has an argument with the lead vocaliser and is fired. She meets the agent Park (Jaime M. Callica), who introduces her to the former opera singer Marie Benoit (Lynn Whitfield), who is a wealthy woman and needs a caregiver. When Park convinces Chela to impale Marie to use her money to promote her career, she learns night secrets.
fourth "Dope Kicks") A pocket-size fourth dimension thief robs defenseless people to rob wallets, cellphones, and sneakers. When he accidentally kills a victim, his aunt conjures a expletive that affects his life.
In general, the tales are anticipated merely entertains fans of horror movies. My vote is 6.
Title (Brazil): "Contos Macabros 3" ("Macabre Tales three")
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Skilful for Sequel
Lookout for yourself. This flick is not bad at all because information technology's a sequel. Some of the reviews are crazy and off mark. Delight judge for yourself. It stays true to the nature of its predecessors. Definitely entertaining.
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Better Than the Last One At Least
Tales From the Hood 3 is nowhere virtually every bit good as the original, but at to the lowest degree it's non equally terrible at the 2d one. The first story is your average greed gets you killed story. The second is the best one and information technology's about a guy hiding in a bunker. The third is near an crumbling opera singer existence nursed by 2 strangers. The concluding one is amusing enough, simply the 2nd story is the best.
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Listen To The Low Ratings
A Full Insult to this cult classic! Weak stories with no fright gene. Spike Lee just received a check for using his proper name or with time his skills have deteriorated! And using Tony Todd to sell an audience is even more Pitiful!!!
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All and all a return to course for the serial and a good fallow upwardly to the beginning
The original Tales From the Hood is a cult classic for expert reason. Information technology is my second fave horror anthology(ABCs of Death just! beating it) and is a horror film I honey very fondly. If you haven't seen it, see it!
Role 2 was full of bad camera work, worse acting, and some of the near bonkers stuff you could think of to put on screen. It is a Z grade moving-picture show, that gets everything then wrong on a technical level that it becomes oddly charming. In other words it is a pure so bad it'south good and I find information technology hilarious. A lot of people hate it(and I can run into why!) just I love it for much the same reason so many people like Troll 2.
But that of course asks, what kind of film would role 3 be? A cult classic social commentary night horror pic similar the original, or a trash burn down comedy miss footstep similar part 2?
Well office 3 feels very much similar it was made in response to the bad feed dorsum role ii got. The film plays itself VERY safe. Only ane of the 4 stories is even actually a commentary on racism. The balance could take place in whatever old anthology series. All the stories are a lot more down to Globe and much less over the tiptop then annihilation was in role 2, or fifty-fifty the original. This does brand the film pretty predictable. Since it is playing things so held back and safe you will be able to telephone call out the plot twists well earlier they happen. A lot of people are going to complain that this moving picture is very pigment by numbers and formulaic.
Just along with playing things much more than by the numbers the flick makes itself much more competently. Camera work, good, acting good, pacing, proficient. Nothing is Amazing! But there are no bad miss steps anywhere also some weak CGI here and in that location. I practice feel the one story about racism, the 2d ane, is pretty darn good and feels like it would take been at home in the outset film. The third story, though as said information technology could exist from any horror anthology series, is all the same a proficient story that is well done and charming. It likewise has the first queer character for the series! Absurd! :) The other two stories though predictable are by no means bad. So yes, this is an anthology with not a unmarried bad story! Which is pretty good in my book.
Ya, you tin can nit choice it(the thought of this like 6 year sometime telling a grown man about a story where a man has sex with a blowup doll is pretty wonderfully absurd), but if y'all do you'll be only hating it for hating it sake.
No, this is a lite going, plough your mind off, take hold of some Halloween candy with friends, kind of horror film. It's fourth dimension killer, simply very well done time killer and I think fans of the original volition be over all pleased.
6.8 out of 10.
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Non the Tales From the Hood I remember
I grew upwards on Tales From the Hood (and Tales From the Crypt). 1995's moving-picture show starred the smashing Clarence Williams Three. It finer blended human being problems, crime and drama, with the supernatural, horror and dark humor. 2020'southward pic needed more of horror legend Tony Todd and less London Brown. London Brown is a terrible actor. I made it 41 minutes with commercials and deleted my recording.
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This is infinitely meliorate than the second Tales from the Hood and almost as good every bit the original
Tales from the Hood 3 (2020) I rented off Amazon Prime for $v.99. The storyline centers around an aging human being scurrying a lilliputian girl to prophylactic while being followed. To distract the child the old man convinces the piddling daughter to tell him various stories she heard. The stories in this are very good and well presented. I loved the settings, costumes and scripts. The undertow a of the subplots inside the primary storylines was also skilful. There are several scenes that relies on CGI likewise much; only overall, this is infinitely better than the second Tales from the Hood and virtually as practiced as the original. I'd requite this a 7/x. This movie is directed by Rusty Condieff (The original Tales from the Hood and episode of The Chappelle Show) and Darin Scott (Dark House) and stars Tony Todd (Candy Human being), Savannah Basley (Wyonna Earp), London Brown (Ballers), Natasha Burnett (iZombie) and Alec Carlos.
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Better than the second nowhere near as good as the first.
Alert: Spoilers
The previous reviewer mentioned the flick is a ripoff of Skeleton Key and to a lesser extent Batteries Not Included. Though I empathize why they would mention Batteries Not Included saying information technology'south a ripoff is stretching it quite a flake. However there is a story that flat out rips off Skeleton Key. With that aside the stories are enjoyable and it looks like it sticks to its roots of being a social commentary coupled with horror. Different the 2nd film (which stars one of my actors the legendary Keith David) the social commentary doesn't seem as forced. It'due south on full display in the second story which borrows a twist that mimics the Twilight Zone episode People Are Alike All Over where as the residue of the segments allow information technology play out more naturally. I actually liked the way the twist was applied hither in the 2d story as information technology made me smiling. This time out Tony Todd and a young kid provide the wraparound story. Todd is phenomenal as ever, but I wished he had more to do. The child does a practiced chore equally she tells the stories and the information technology has a satisfying ending, notwithstanding the CG in the scene well-nigh kills it. If you lot tin get past the CG and ripping off Skeleton Central its worth a sentry. Nowhere nigh on par with the first but better than the second.
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Obviously not as good as the first only it was ok.....
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And then much meliorate
Warning: Spoilers
I still hate admitting that Tales from the Hood 2 was a let-downwards. The first movie is 1 of my favorite non-Amicus anthology films, so I was expecting so much. And just when I expected nil from this film, it surprised me at every turn, condign almost as good as the original.
Co-writer and co-manager Rodney Cundieff (who wrote and directed this with Darin Scott) fifty-fifty admitted every bit much, telling Pod of Madness, "The stories, you know, they're not every bit big every bit the beginning Tales. But I practise think that the stories are stronger, overall, than the 2nd one, and the expect of the film is better, a lot to practise with the locations that nosotros plant."
The framing story, "The Mouths of Babes and Demons," is about an old human named William (Tony Todd) trying to distract the six-year-old Brooklyn from the terror chasing them past listening to her tell him the four stories in this film.
"Ruby Gates" is virtually a real-manor agent struggling to remove the final family unit in an flat complex from their dwelling. Information technology's followed by "The Bunker," in which we think we're seeing a MAGA white male (Cooper Huckabee from The Funhouse) rant and rave, which nosotros are, just take no idea exactly why he remains then special. "Operatic" makes perfect utilise of the talents of Lynn Whitfield in the story of an elderly performer who continually watches the one fourth dimension she was allowed to perform Carmen before racism took away her singing career and the lengths to which performers volition get to succeed. Finally, in "Dope Kicks," the moral is you can take anything from a human being, but never steal his shoes.
While this is the start moving picture in the series without Mr. Simms, this movie is a strong entry in the horror anthology genre, also as a render to class for Cundieff and Scott. Here's hoping that Tales from the Hood iv is on the fashion.
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Better than the 2nd, worse than original
This picture is nothing to write abode about. It's non terrible, peculiarly considering it was a SyFy production, but is merely a trounce of the original.
Being a sucker for anthologies, I gave this a sentry even though my better instincts told me not to after the crapstorm that was part 2. If you like horror movies or anthologies (fifty-fifty better if yous similar both), so give it a sentry. You won't be TERRIBLY disappointed as long every bit you know going into information technology that is not gonna be an Oscar film.
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Worst one in the series
I was so excited to watch this later the kickoff ii at present I am simply aroused I wasted ii hours of my life. Delight rename this movie and then it does not tarnish the series. Call it Tales from the Ghetto since it is direct A B-Flick
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Listen to the low scores
If anyone tells you that this is close to the original in terms of ANYTHING. They're are lying and they worked on the movie. That said, The beginning movie is a PERFECT STANDALONE MASTERPIECE. The reason they keep failing with these sequels is considering you cannot improve on perfection and really to be honest the directors are only out of bear on at this point. The tone, dialogue, pacing, soundtrack, score, plot, social commentary, humor, horror, and despair of the first movie are NOWHERE TO Exist Plant in the unnecessary sequels that follow. I get it, Rusty and Darin(the directors, respectfully) saw the success of Go OUT and thought this was a good fourth dimension to bound back in to the black horror genre. Well if that was the instance they should've fought for a national theatrical re-release of the get-go movie because they sequels are absolute GARBAGE. Role 2 AND three and they are Equally bad no one is better than the other.
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Stories were ok with weird endings
All the stories were decent only had weird over the meridian supernatural endings. The 2d story was obviously the best followed past the 1st, 4th, wrap around, then 3rd. I will say the matter thats missing from the TFTH sequels, is that the moral of the stories are as well conventional and simple, not like the 1st movie where you could play it in whatsoever urban school, detention/customs middle etc and it was powerful enough to scare at to the lowest degree a couple people straight
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Tales From The Hood 3? Aye, sure why not.
I was always a huge fan of Tales From The Hood. I was surprised when after all these years later that they made a sequel. I was even more surprised when they made another one. I think the original film is by far the best, merely I still savor Pt 2 and Pt 3. This series is very similar to both Creepshow and Tales From The Crypt except information technology has a predominantly black cast and touches on social problems that are relevant to the black community. The creators of the series (Rusty Cundieff and Darin Scott) are notwithstanding involved and is very similar to the other films. I retrieve Tales From The Hood is a solid horror anthology serial and if you lot liked the other two films, there is a very good take a chance you will like this too.
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A TON better than part two imo
This motion-picture show was actually big screen worthy. Cinematography was good, furnishings were practiced just not over bearing, and the the dynamic between the leads is great.
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Made an account just to exit this review
I tried so hard to savor this moving picture. Fifty-fifty candyman himself couldn't salve it. Which was a big thwarting. Didn't aid seeing the knock off skeleton key portion. This could of been neat. Yet it wasn't. Honestly they should of but left it with Tales from the Hood. Bc 2 made a mockery of what was loved by the offset. This seemed like an apology for 2. Which nonetheless didn't brand up for that embarrassment of a "anthology".
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but said no
. not diverse enough so no thanks gfys im out. nk bye
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An adequate horror anthology...
Sure, I have watched the first "Tales from the Hood" back in the day, merely I can't really claim to remember it fondly. And I haven't watched the 2d part. But I was given the take a chance to sit downwardly and sentinel the 3rd installment in the series here tardily in 2020, so of course I did then.
The first tales in "Tales from the Hood 3" was pretty straight forward, albeit rather generic and predictable. Sure, it was watchable, but it was hardly an outstanding tale in whatever aspect. Information technology was nicely acted though.
Which leads us to the second tale. Now, as a white man, I could be tempted to experience offended past the style the character was portrayed. Just of class I am non, because information technology is a mere movie meant for entertainment, and it was an over-the-superlative generalization of a prejudice redneck. It was actually enjoyable, although bordering on existence tacky and distasteful. Just hey, it was avantgarde and I definitely enjoyed that the managing director of this segment dared to go to that level and length.
The third segment was actually a flake bland and swaying close to being downright slow. It was nicely acted and the concept thought was practiced plenty, but it just wasn't an original tale.
And the fourth tale was definitely the most interesting of the segments for me. Information technology was nicely written and mixed one-act elements into the mixture in a squeamish manner. The storyline told in this segment was good and enjoyable. Sure, information technology was predictable, but information technology was entertaining nonetheless.
As for the narrative storyline that ties all the segments together, well that was also quite good, peculiarly as it had Tony Todd in information technology. It didn't really make all that much sense, equally there was a hint of supernatural elements to information technology.
I will say that they definitely had put together a skilful ensemble of actors and actresses for portraying the characters throughout the diverse segments, and the performers were putting on good jobs. And this, in turn, definitely helped to deport the overall enjoyment of the horror anthology.
For a horror anthology, then "Tales from the Hood 3" was adequately entertaining. It had some interesting plenty segments to it, which fabricated up for the less than interesting segments. And then, I would say that it is actually worth watching.
My rating of "Tales from the Hood 3" lands on a six out of x stars.
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I actually enjoyed watching.
This is so much better than the 2nd film, the first will always be the all-time. I didn't recollect I would've enjoyed watching this. So much better than I thought.
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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11453082/reviews
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