Learning How to Run Again After Being Paralyzed

Christopher Reeve's recovery

Christopher Reeve demonstrated to the world that he had recovered some movement and awareness. While he could not walk, did not regain bowel, bladder, or sexual role, nor could he exhale without a ventilator, his limited recovery was significant.

The scientific literature on spinal cord injury predicts that most recovery volition occur in the outset half dozen months after injury and that it is mostly consummate inside two years. Christopher's recovery, coming 5 to seven years after his injury, defies these medical expectations and had a dramatic effect on his daily life.

Why did Christopher Reeve get better and so long after his injury? He believed his improved function was the result of vigorous physical activity.

Christopher began exercising the year he was injured. Five years afterward, when he first noticed that he could voluntarily move an index finger, Christopher began an intense practise program under the supervision of Dr. John McDonald at Washington Academy in St. Louis.

Christopher included several activities in his program. He used daily electric stimulation to build mass in his arms, quadriceps, hamstrings and other musculus groups. He rode a Functional Electric Stimulation (FES) bicycle, did breathing training and likewise participated in aquatherapy.

In 1998 and 1999, Christopher underwent treadmill training to encourage functional stepping. His experience with treadmill training was the foundation of the Reeve Foundation's NeuroRecovery Network.

Christopher and Dr. McDonald believed that these activities may accept awakened dormant nerve pathways.

Dr. McDonald and other researchers and clinicians circumspection not to over-interpret Christopher's results. Clearly, not all people with paralysis would do good from a like program and yous should always consult your physician before starting or changing a fitness regime.

A fitness plan built for Superman

It is true for any of us: exercise is related to amend health. At that place are few, if any, negative side effects of exercise. Fifty-fifty people who don't experience recovery in the way that Christopher Reeve did are likely to raise their well-existence.

Christopher'southward participation in do was motivated by the well-known benefits on cardiovascular function, musculus tone, bone density, etc. Indeed, he had fewer medical complications such as bladder and lung infections.

Before 1999, Christopher oftentimes required hospitalization – he had a total of nine life-threatening complications and required virtually 600 days of antibody handling.

Later 1999, he was rarely hospitalized, had only i serious medical complication, and needed only lx days of antibiotic treatment.

These improvements in his health additional Christopher's emotional well-being and enabled him to commit to a variety of work projects knowing he could give them his uninterrupted attention.

Now, scientists are working to develop cut-edge therapies to beget the same benefits to other people living with paralysis.

Christopher Reeve'due south experience is an example of what tin can happen when one refuses to take the "get used to it" dogma. Although information technology is not clear what caused his recovery, his improvements in function provide a source of promise and inspiration for others.

He was a stiff advocate for making new technology and therapies more than widely available.

I accept the staff and the equipment. Simply what I really hope comes out of my experience is a epitome shift in the way insurance companies do business organisation. If insurance companies would pay for proactive therapy and equipment they would save money keeping people like me out of the hospital. People with lower level injuries would get upwards and get out of their chairs. Information technology's a win-win proposition.

– Christopher Reeve

Below is a rundown on the various activities that were in Reeve'due south exercise program:

Note: earlier considering participation in avant-garde rehabilitation therapies, such every bit FES or treadmill training, information technology is important to consult your dr. to ensure that the therapies are appropriate and safety.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Christopher Reeve did 1 hour of exercise at least three times a calendar week on an FES cycle.

This engineering science allows persons with little or no voluntary leg movement to pedal a stationary leg-cycle called an ergometer. Figurer generated, depression-level electrical pulses are transmitted through surface electrodes to the leg muscles. This causes coordinated contractions and the pedaling motion.

FES bikes are not new and take been on the market for over 20 years. Moreover, FES systems have been deployed in research centers throughout the world for the final several years.

Here in the U.S., there are a couple of companies currently producing the bikes. Therapeutic Alliances, Inc., ane of the oldest manufacturers, makes the Ergys 2. Restorative Therapies, Inc. offers the RT300-S which is operated straight from the wheelchair eliminating the demand for transfer.

FES bikes are likewise non cheap – they are in the range of $15,000. Some insurance companies have reimbursed for units. At that place are bikes available in some community settings, at wellness clubs and rehab clinics.

The get-go step is to cull a bicycle that is mechanically audio. All the electronics are upgradeable from the manufacturers. Each bicycle has a programme cartridge set for the specific needs of each rider, including run times, resistance, etc. A prescription is needed to get the cartridge. For safety reasons, it's not recommended that FES bike riders use another's cartridge.

Abundant medical literature documents the effectiveness of FES to increase muscle mass and improve cardiopulmonary function. There are studies that also link FES to a reduced frequency of pressure sores, improved bowel and bladder role and decreased incidence of urinary tract infections.

According to Dr. McDonald, the FES bicycle can exist more useful than for simply building muscle mass. "We propose to use them for a totally different reason – to promote regeneration and recovery of function. Nosotros at present have data demonstrating that [FES] activity tin raise regeneration in animals and is associated with recovery of function in humans."

Treadmill or Locomotor Training

Locomotor Training is a rehabilitation approach that has been emerging over the last decade. It involves a kind of action-triggered learning whereby practicing a series of specific movements (in this example, stepping) triggers the sensory information that somehow reminds the spinal cord how to initiate stepping.

Locomotor Training uses repetitive motion to teach the legs how to walk again. A paralyzed person is suspended in a harness to a higher place a treadmill, reducing the weight the legs will have to bear. As the treadmill begins to move, therapists manually motility the person's legs in a walking pattern.

The ultimate goal of Locomotor Grooming is to retrain the spinal cord to 'remember' the pattern of walking.

The theory behind locomotor training is that the injured nervous system may exist "plastic," and capable of recovery when patterned neural activity, like stepping, is optimized.

Inquiry from the University of California at Los Angeles and in Germany, Switzerland and Canada, notes that the spinal cord itself appears to human action like a small brain and is thus capable of controlling stepping. The spinal string makes many routine decisions almost the correct way to walk. When an private living with paralysis is retrained to walk, both the brain and spinal cord figure out new ways to do it.

Many people with paralysis, regardless of time elapsed since onset, have improved their walking after receiving Locomotor Training. The level of recovery is different for each person, although virtually all those with incomplete injuries showed gains.

It is of import to understand that Locomotor Grooming is an evolving therapy and may not assist everyone to walk improve. People have seen other benefits beyond walking like improved wellness and well-existence.

Every bit treadmill units filter out into the community, it is important for people to recognize that a Locomotor Training program must include highly trained therapists to work with patients. Maximizing a patient's power to step after injury depends to a very large extent on the skill and precision with which the therapists evangelize locomotor training.

Locomotor Preparation is the principle therapy offered by the Reeve Foundation'southward NeuroRecovery Network (NRN), which is a network of cutting-edge clinical rehabilitation centers and Community Fettle and Wellness Facilities that make upward 2 branches of care for people living with spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities.



Christopher Reeve demonstrated the power to motility his legs and artillery in a pool. The effects of gravity are greatly reduced in water so that small-scale torso movements can exist more easily detected and therapists can determine a person's maximum power to move without the full resistance of gravity.

Likewise, when people are beginning to recover movement, water makes exercise easier. When fourth dimension permitted, Christopher did aquatherapy one time a week for approximately two hours.

Bone density treatment

Since people with paralysis don't typically put weight or pressure level on their bones, they tend to lose bone density and oft develop osteoporosis.

With drugs and exercise on the FES wheel, Reeve's osteoporosis was reversed to normal bone density.


If you lot are looking for more information on exercise or have a specific question, our information specialists are available business organisation weekdays, Monday through Friday, toll-free at 800-539-7309 from 9am to 8pm ET.

Additionally, the Reeve Foundation maintains a fact sheet on fitness and exercise with additional resources from trusted Reeve Foundation sources. Check out our repository of fact sheets on hundreds of topics ranging from country resources to secondary complications of paralysis.

We encourage you to accomplish out to other organizations specializing in activeness-based therapies, including:

  • Clinical Trials: Ambulation Programs includes a list of ambulation programs currently seeking volunteers.
  • Clinical Trials: Locomotor (treadmill) Training includes a list of trials involving Locomotor (treadmill) Grooming.
  • Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center offers fact sheets produced through a collaboration between the MSKTC and the SCI Model Systems. These materials undergo expert and consumer reviews to ensure they are up-to-date, evidence-based, and consumer-friendly.
  • Lokomat Program at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago provides robot-assisted walking therapy using the Lokomat® to aid people improve their ability to walk subsequently inability acquired by brain and spinal cord injuries, stroke or neurological and orthopedic conditions.


Source: https://www.christopherreeve.org/living-with-paralysis/rehabilitation/christopher-reeve-exercise-program

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