What Happens to Jello When You Freeze It and Melt It Again

wildpotato's avatar

What happens when frozen Jello melts?

  • 4 points Slap-up Question

Asked past wildpotato (15140 points) November third, 2009

Capt_Bloth and I want to make Jello in a hurry. He thinks that nosotros should utilize not only the quick-ready method of adding ice cubes, but likewise put the pan in the freezer. Now, I think this has the potential to freeze the whole pan. What's the problem, you – and he – say? Won't the frozen Jello merely turn into a jiggly gelled mass once information technology hits fridge temp?

I'thou thinking not. I remember that once it unfreezes information technology'll but liquidate into Kool-Aid. Maybe this is how they brand Kool-Aid?

Can't observe anything on the net. What say you, jello-expert jellies?

  • Flag as...
  • juice
  • gelatin
  • jello
  • jiggly

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20 Respondsouthward

patg7590's avatar

it explodes of course

SpatzieLover's avatar

If you freeze it…the jello volition become hardened and inedible.

It gets a "skin layer on it and it turns to a rubbery material YUCK!

buckyboy28's avatar

Trying to speed up the jello process leads to goose egg good. Trust me.

If worse comes to worse, y'all could option upwards some pre-fabricated jello cups at the grocery store.

reacting_acid's avatar

@patg7590 of course

patg7590's avatar

@reacting_acid naturally

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay get to the shop. Purchase some pre-made jello cups. Likewise purchase a fruit cocktail mix. Put the mix in the bottom of an awesome jello mold. And so put the jello on top. Put in the fridge for a infinitesimal and then it'll fix together. Problem solved! Of course you could practice without the mold or the fruit cocktail and just pour the pre-fabricated jello cups into a big bowl but that is not as fun.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

@buckyboy28 I can't await to swallow my jello, my jello, not some loving cup, but I don't like the thought of hot kool-aid. I'm out of options hither.

buckyboy28's avatar

@Capt_Bloth You could of course hop in a DeLorean with a flux capacitor and travel into the hereafter when your jello is done.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

@buckyboy28 and how do you advise I generate the necessary i.21 gigawatts, hmm?

buckyboy28's avatar

@Capt_Bloth Wrangle up some Libyan nationalists for their plutonium…. or just look for a lightning storm.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

@buckyboy28 Yep, only I'd still need to put pants on. I recall a piffling fourth dimension in the freezer volition chill it downwardly and speed up the whole process.
@SpatzieLover I'one thousand not going to let information technology freeze, but I don't see how bad information technology could exist. Isn't jello already a rubbery mess?

Val123's avatar

You could take started information technology yesterday.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Tin can we address the issue of why yous need information technology in such a hurry?

janbb's avatar

Well, you can read nearly the Arctic ocean ice melting and possibly extrapolate an analogy.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Yous won't get kool-assist when it melts, but it won't be good… the exterior will be tough and leathery due to freezer (frizzer?) burn down, the within will be forever a little too squidgy and drippy. Not good. Using ice water is fine, but I wouldn't try to accelerate solidification via freezing unless you desire not-uniform jello in the end.

Dr_C's avatar

Two things happen (from personal experience)... a hard ice layer forms on the tiptop due to sedimentation and phase separation (some water on the peak and concentrated goo on the bottom) leaving an inedible rubbery blob which tin can melt to form a sticky mess that is most impossible to clean.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Update: My jello is done!!! I did not freeze information technology. well I did put one brick in the freezer every bit an experiment.
@Val123 Yes I could have started it yesterday, but then I would have been whining about waiting for my jello so, wildpotato would still post the question and we would however all exist here, it would simply exist yesterday.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I accept never been able to wait for jello, plus wildpotato had to get to class.
@Dr_C I'm glad I'grand not the only one to try this.
@Capt_Bloth Looks like freezing isn't such a proficient thought later on all, at least you but experimented with i brick.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Capt_Bloth Lemme know how that freezer one compares to a condom bouncy ball! ;D

dpworkin's avatar

I think an angel dies.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

@SpatzieLover not like a ball in the least, it was delicious. :)
While I was eating it, I was thinking "jello pops! Bill Cosby was on to something, only didn't take the idea far enough." every bit it melts it turns into a gelatin-slushy hybrid, mmmmmm.

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Source: https://www.fluther.com/60193/what-happens-when-frozen-jello-melts/

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