Turn White Hair to Black Again
Can white hair turn black again naturally? This is one of the questions you ask yourself when your precious black hair starts turning grey. And most times, the rate it turns gray can make you scared.
Don't worry; you are not alone. In this article, I will share with you everything you need to know, starting from the possible causes of gray hair, the home way of making premature gray hair turn black, and a few helpful tips.
So can gray or white hair turn black again?
White or gray hair due to aging (old age) cannot turn black again naturally. In contrast, white hair appears due to bleaching, stress, food, pollution, vitamin deficiency, and other physical influence can turn black again if properly taken care of.
It is believed that you can gradually turn white hair to black by just applying some products to your hair, eating some foods, and changing your habit. But how true is this?
Now let's know and understand the factors that contribute to and cause your hair to turn gray prematurely.
Causes Of Premature Gray Hair
It's no longer speculation that tons of factors make one start growing premature gray hair. From my research, these are what I found.
1. Hereditary
Hereditary is one of the major and most common factors responsible for premature grey hair in men, women, boys, and girls.
When you have a history of premature gray hair in your family, there is a high probability that you and your hair will abide by the rules.
The gray hair gene grows with the person after birth, and when the time comes for it to show, it blows out, and there is no remedy to reverse the grey hair.
It's either you leave it like that, or you apply hair dye because no matter what you do, it will still come back months or years later.
2. Low Or No Melanin Production
The cells in the hair follicles called "Melanocytes" produce two pigments (pheomelanin and eumelanin). These two pigments join together to produce human natural hair color.
As one lives, the melanocytes continue to inject pigment into the hair, giving its color. But with time, the melanocytes gradually reduce the production of pigment.
This time the hair starts changing to gray, and when the melanin production eventually stops, the hair turns to full-blown white.
3. Stress
TheConversation wrote this "There is no evidence to link the onset of greying to stress, diet or lifestyle." but how true is this?
The kind of stress one is going through, whether emotional, physical, affects everything about the person.
For example, If you have ever stressed yourself for a long time, you will notice that you lost some weight during that period and won't be thinking straight.
When the whole thing is affecting your body, do you think your hair will be left untouched? Just think about it. To back up this, here's what Dr. Roopal Kundu said:
"Stress won't cause you to go gray directly, but stress is implicated in a lot of skin and hair issues." During an illness, for example, people can shed hair rapidly. And hair you lose after a stressful event like getting chemotherapy may grow back a different color" Dr. Roopal Kundu, associate professor in dermatology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.
If you're still doubting, try stress out yourself for some months and thank me later.
4. Lack Of Nutrition And Vitamin Deficiency
Vitamin B-12 is an essential vitamin, and it is needed for nerve tissue health, brain function, and the production of red blood cells. Another name for vitamin B-12 is Cobalamin.
The research found out that a lot of young people and with grey hair have Vitamin deficiency. The food you eat isn't just to satisfy your stomach. As a human, we need to be nutrient balanced.
If you think the cause of your gray hair is Vitamin deficiency, consult an expert nutritionist to discuss your situation.
5. Aggressive Hair Creams And Dye
No doubt, some hair cream or dye can darken and bleach your hair. The effects are temporary, though, but who knows what happens in the long run.
I was a victim of this hair-cream-changing hair color issue. It happened years back when I used one hair cream that was imported from Thailand on my hair.
After some weeks, my black hair started fading to brown. I was like, what the hell is wrong with my hair.
I stopped using the hair cream, and boom, my black, oily, and shiny hair appeared again. The same thing can happen if you use dye or hair cream that is harsh to your hair.
I am not saying you should not use hair cream or dye on your hair. But you should apply sense and caution to know that creams and dye can make your hair turn white or gray later.
6. Smoking
This is yet to be proven, but I remember some experts mentioned smoking as one of the causes. In reality, I think it's one of the causes of premature gray hair growth. But we are yet to confirm it.
7. Scalp Infections
Skin conditions such as dandruff, eczema, ringworm may also cause greying. However, grey hair resulting from scalp Infection can be reversed once the infection is treated, no doubt. It's just a matter of time.
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At What Age Should I Consider My Gray Hair Premature
In human understanding, turning grey in your '20s or '30s can be considered premature grey hair, but I think gray hair appearing from childhood shouldn't be considered premature.
How To Make White Hair Turn Black Again Naturally (Home Remedies)
The first important thing to do is give your hair enough attention; the other is to follow remedy instructions religiously.
While some people find it remarkable to grow grey hair, some hate it so much that they can go to any length to get it off their hair.
If you are an addicted smoker, I don't think you can heed my advice, but you have to go for hair dye.
People who don't smoke have it in mind that it's not always about dye and dye. Try some of these quick home remedies and see if they work for you.
1. Mix Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice
Mix coconut oil with lemon juice, apply it to your hair, comb, or brush your hair, so the mixture gets to all the grey hair. Before you do this, make sure your hair is clean.
Allow the mixture to sit on your hair for 2 hours or more before washing it off. If you want to use shampoo, use a gentle one.
Add this to your hair routine, and do this daily or 4-5 times weekly for at least two months and watch out for the result.
The lemon juice is somewhat optional; it is just to quicken the reaction. If you are allergic to lemon, feel free to use only coconut oil.
2. Consume Iron And Biotin Supplements
Eat foods and fruits rich in iron and biotin, or take supplements recommended by an expert.
You can also apply unsalted buttermilk with curry leaves on your hair anytime you want to wash your hair as per your routine. Apply it to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before you wash your hair.
This can help you get black and healthy hair from roots. It worked for a teenage girl as recommended by her hairstylist; see how she did it here.
3. Avoid Over Stress
Stressing yourself too much can make you age too quickly. Here are our tips that can help you cope with stress.
- Adjust your work schedule and get enough little time to take care of yourself.
- Be social, and stay active to keep yourself off stressful thoughts.
- Seek support and advice from good friends and family when difficulties arise.
4. Eat healthily
You can only feel comfortable, think, and function well when your body is satisfied and balanced with adequate nutrients in its right proportion.
Fruits are very good at this.
5. Apply Onions Juice
Onion juice is highly rich in catalase enzymes; studies have shown that catalase enzyme helps neutralize hydrogen peroxide. In summary, this means onion juice can make white hair turn black again naturally.
When applying onion juice, ensure that all parts of the affected areas are touched, let it sit for at least one hour before washing, and that's all.
Do this daily and wait for some time because it takes time before it fully turns black again. If, after some months, this didn't help, then I recommend you visit a Trichologist.
Other Helpful Tips
- Avoid wearing tight head covers as they can cause excessive heat and traction alopecia, a hair condition that can cause permanent or temporary hair loss. This can also cause dandruff.
- Avoid Using Too Many Synthetic Products: Colouring and bleaching can damage your hair when done in excess. No two ways about it because these are synthetic products.
- Temporarily Cover Gray Hair With Dye: I know this may sound crazy, but let me tell you that you can use a natural hair dye to cover grey hair (To black). Trust me; you would love this because some grey-haired men and ladies use it these days.
Have you heard of Just For Men? Here is how long it lasts on hair.
Does White Facial Hair Turn Black?
No, facial hair is highly resistant to natural and chemical treatments. It's one of the most stubborn hair in humans.
I really hope you find this post very helpful.
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- https://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/grey-hair-natural-remedies.html
- https://bellatory.com/hair/How-to-make-white-hair-black-without-dye
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Source: https://hairshepherd.com/white-hair-turn-black-again-naturally/
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