3d pencil drawings on paper

When you try to larn how to depict, the first affiliate of the volume is oft about all these fancy tools you will need. This is quite scary—you accept no thought if it's for you, simply yous're already asked to invest money in it!

In this tutorial, I'd like to show you the power of the simplest tool you probably have in your house—anHB pencil, also called no. 2. Yous don't need to buy anything, and then you can just go and see if cartoon is for y'all. Keep in mind that this tutorial is based on structural drawing—creating terminal lines on the base of guide lines. If you want to describe more spontaneously, it may not be for you.

I volition show you lot how to start a drawing of a panthera leo from imagination, how to add together the anatomy using references, how to utilise "traditional layers" to remove the guide lines, and how to shade the terminal drawing. This process will be the most useful for drawing creatures or characters.

What Yous Will Need

  • HB (no. 2) pencil
  • 2 sheets of paper (possibly sparse; cheap printer paper will be perfect)

Every pencil has two basic modes you demand to know near. You tin either describe information technology the "classic" way or tilt it to describe with the side of the lead...

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... and y'all can describe with either a sharpened or blunt pencil. Both are useful!

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A sharpened pencil creates darker blackness!

You can likewise control the pressure level, which is very important for the terminal effect. You don't demand to press hard every fourth dimension just to create dark lines! Go along it all in heed during the tutorial, and heed advisedly when I mention irresolute the mode or pressure.

Y'all will as well demand some references, for instance:

  • King of beasts body - no longer available
  • King of beasts mane - no longer available
  • Lion anatomy

i. Start the Drawing

For this phase of drawing we need thick, general lines. Employ a relatively blunt pencil for this purpose—this way you won't be very precise, and it will be easier to resist perfectionism.

Draw very lightly, and after press harder to draw thick lines over the sparse ones—don't press hard until you're certain the line should be there. Thin, subtle lines are much easier to set! If you lot do it properly, you won't need to employ an eraser even once.

Don't worry about mistakes—this layer doesn't need to be clean.

Footstep 1

The thought in your mind is probably very complex, but we can't describe information technology all at in one case. We demand to simplify it without losing the spirit of the drawing. To practice this, it's best to reduce your idea to a few very general lines. They should show us the size of the final analogy.

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Stride 2

The side by side step is to constitute perspective. No, don't panic! This is like shooting fish in a barrel—just wait.

If you lot want to create an interesting position and show a few sides of the object at the same time, yous need to rotate it. To draw rotation, simply shorten and rotate the side.

If you notice this confusing, try Think With Forms, Not Lines: Take Your Drawing to the Next Level.

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This is how it can look. Creatures expect the best when they're just slightly rotated, because this style you don't need to shorten the sides too much.

perspective base for creature perspective base for creature perspective base for creature

Pace 3

Our animal doesn't have merely one side—the front must be rotated also!

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You lot tin show information technology by drawing a few lines hither and there just to see the perspective. You don't need to use a ruler—if y'all can see what y'all were trying to show, that'southward all you need!

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Step 4

Y'all should at present be able to imagine a kind of box your creature is standing in. Sketch the paw prints on the ground post-obit the perspective and the pose of the animal.

how to draw paws in perspective how to draw paws in perspective how to draw paws in perspective

Pace 5

Earlier we draw the legs, y'all can sketch a very simplified version of them, just to observe their finish points.

how to draw legs limbs in perspective how to draw legs limbs in perspective how to draw legs limbs in perspective

2. Construct the Skeleton

Pace 1

Allow'south construct a "skeleton" of the animal to establish the proportions before diving into the details. Skeletons are relatively piece of cake to remember, only if you've never tried to memorize one, don't judge—find a reference, like this lioness with cubs, and analyze it. Commonly information technology'southward better to employ a few references showing diverse poses and views.

Let's start with the legs. Look at the photo and think for a moment how to capture their shape with simple lines.

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Bring your thought to your sketch, following the perspective.

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Step two

If you tin see the bones shape of the body, it'due south time to add the head to balance the proportions. Apply a simple circle for the skull, a line for the olfactory organ, and a line for the eyes.

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animal head rotated animal head rotated animal head rotated

Footstep 3

The cage can be added hands with a teardrop shape.

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lion snout drawing lion snout drawing lion snout drawing

Step 4

The trunk is the easiest part!

how to draw animal torso how to draw animal torso how to draw animal torso
animal torso drawing animal torso drawing animal torso drawing

Step 5

Hips are e'er the most complicated. Yous can apply my method or create something that you'll sympathize better.

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animal hips drawing animal hips drawing animal hips drawing

three. Construct the Skull

Step 1

The body is by and large established, then allow's make the head more than detailed. First, add the nose span...

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lion nose drawing lion nose drawing lion nose drawing

Stride 2

... then the brow surface area.

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lion forehead drawing lion forehead drawing lion forehead drawing

Step 3

Cheekbones are very important—find them and meet how they tin be simplified most efficiently.

how to draw lion face how to draw lion face how to draw lion face
lion face drawing lion face drawing lion face drawing

Pace 4

Observe and add together all the other of import details.

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lion face details drawing lion face details drawing lion face details drawing

iv. Build the Body

Step one

The silhouette is very well established now, so nosotros can finally add the details. Add the paws, following the perspective.

how to draw lion paws how to draw lion paws how to draw lion paws
lion paws drawing lion paws drawing lion paws drawing

Step 2

Add together the residuum of the paws.

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lion feet drawing lion feet drawing lion feet drawing

Step 3

Discover the landmark on the legs—the parts of the bones that can be seen under the peel.

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Step 4

Add the muscles, step by stride.

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lion legs drawn lion legs drawn lion legs drawn
how to draw lion anatomy how to draw lion anatomy how to draw lion anatomy
lion anatomy drawing lion anatomy drawing lion anatomy drawing
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lion muscles drawing lion muscles drawing lion muscles drawing

Pace five

Notice the other elements necessary to stop the body.

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lion tail drawing lion tail drawing lion tail drawing

Step half dozen

Finally, pay more than attention to the caput.

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lion cheeks drawing lion cheeks drawing lion cheeks drawing

Pace vii

Connect the head with the residue of the body by adding muscles to the neck.

how to draw lion neck how to draw lion neck how to draw lion neck
lion neck drawing lion neck drawing lion neck drawing

five. Add the Mane

Stride 1

Observe a reference, or, amend, a couple of references, to analyze and simplify the mane. Start with the "cheek mane".

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lion cheek mane drawing lion cheek mane drawing lion cheek mane drawing

Step 2

And so add the mane on the forehead.

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lion forehead drawing lion forehead drawing lion forehead drawing

Step three

Draw one more layer of mane behind them both.

how to draw lion mane how to draw lion mane how to draw lion mane
lion mane drawing lion mane drawing lion mane drawing

Stride 4

Finish the mane.

how to draw full lion mane how to draw full lion mane how to draw full lion mane

6. Convert the Sketch Into the Final Lines

Step 1

Our sketch is complete, but it'due south very messy. It would be quite hard to add concluding lines to it now. In digital drawing you could use a new layer for line art, but did you lot know that yous can do it when drawing traditionally, too?

Take another sheet of newspaper and put information technology over the sketch. If you can see the lines beneath, great! If not, yous may demand to create some kind of makeshift light table—for example, identify both sheets on an easily attainable window.

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Footstep 2

Sharpen your pencil, and keep information technology sharp during this section—we demand the precise way at present. Keep your references close and outset drawing make clean, last lines. Information technology's skillful to get-go with the eyes—they're very easy to mess upward, and if you practise so at the kickoff, you tin just accept another sheet and try again.

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Footstep 3

If you're certain the optics look right, y'all tin continue with the face.

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how to draw over guide lines how to draw over guide lines how to draw over guide lines

Step 4

Once you finish and corroborate the face, which is the hardest part, y'all should go on with the other parts, trying to move in the management of your hand. So, if y'all're right-handed, first describe the elements on the left.

In my case it's the mane. Fur seems complicated, only you should describe it every bit it looks, not as you lot imagine it. Don't draw single hairs, just rather try to draw the "fluffiness" of the mane as a whole. A panthera leo's mane isn't smooth, so you can shake your mitt a fiddling when drawing to show information technology.

First draw the outline of the area...

how to draw lion mane with one pencil how to draw lion mane with one pencil how to draw lion mane with one pencil

... and then fill it with light, squiggly lines.

how to draw fur with pencil how to draw fur with pencil how to draw fur with pencil

Y'all can draw the whole mane this mode!

how to draw lion mane pencil how to draw lion mane pencil how to draw lion mane pencil

Step v

Go along cartoon the trunk, using your references every bit a guide. Don't go overboard with the anatomy—even if you know where the muscles are, at that place's no need to bear witness them all. You tin can only use very subtle "hair lines" to propose their location.

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vii. Shade the Cartoon Using One Pencil

Step 1

You can now remove the original sketch from below the line art. We're going to add the shading using a very simple method. Yous tin acquire more virtually information technology hither: How to Crosshatch a Landscape From a Photograph.

Offset, find and subtly outline the areas that don't go likewise much light. You must be able to imagine the 3D grade of the animal to do information technology. Y'all can also find a reference with skilful lighting to apply the shape of its shadows in your picture. Y'all don't need to practice information technology 100% correctly—our eyes are easy to fool!

how to shade animals traditionally how to shade animals traditionally how to shade animals traditionally

Step 2

Fill the shadow area with diagonal lines. Employ merely one direction in the whole movie! Describe the lines speedily, evenly, with a constant level of force per unit area. Go along your pencil sharp!

how to shade with one pencil how to shade with one pencil how to shade with one pencil

Stride 3

Find some other level of shadow, and make information technology darker past adding lines in another direction.

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Stride 4

Find one more level of shadow. You can continue with cross-hatching, or y'all can fill this surface area with tiny "curls". Be very careful when adding this kind of shadow to the mane—you don't need to shade every tuft of pilus!

how to create dark shades with one pencil how to create dark shades with one pencil how to create dark shades with one pencil

Step 5

Now, find the places that need the darkest shade, and draw over them, pressing the pencil hard. Don't utilize as well much of this shadow, or you'll lose its touch. A pinch of black improves dissimilarity, but whole areas of information technology can kill information technology.

how to shade fur with one pencil how to shade fur with one pencil how to shade fur with one pencil

Step 6

This isn't the end! As I described in How to Use Optical Illusions to Exist a Amend Digital Creative person, lines are the result of contrast between shades. A line that has the aforementioned shade on both sides looks artificial.

where lines come from where lines come from where lines come from

If you want to be more than realistic, add a very elementary groundwork to your drawing. You can tilt your castor to do it fast. The goal hither is to not leave whatsoever line surrounded past a unmarried shade (remember that white is a shade too!).

how to shade animals realistically how to shade animals realistically how to shade animals realistically

Stride seven

When y'all're finished, you can finally digitize and upload your motion picture for others to see. Before you do information technology, yet, make certain it looks like you intended. You may find these tutorials useful for this purpose:

  • Quick Tip: Clean Upwardly Your Traditional Drawings in Photoshop
  • How to Enhance Traditional Art in Adobe Photoshop
how to clean up your drawing scan how to clean up your drawing scan how to clean up your drawing scan

Good Job!

Every bit you lot can run into, you don't need a whole lot of tools to create a decent cartoon. It's all near the technique and a proper program.

If you enjoyed this tutorial, make sure you check others of mine:

  • 7 Sins of Beginner Artists: What Keeps You From Existence Good
  • 10 Drawing Myths That Block Your Progress
  • How to Start a Drawing: 5 Methods for Beginners

If this was as well simple for you, y'all can besides endeavor 1 of our more advanced tutorials:

  • How to Draw Different Kinds of Texture With Ink and Nib
  • How to Depict and Render Realistic Fur With Pencils and Charcoal
  • Create Your Own Star Wars Fan Art With Pencils


Source: https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-draw-on-a-tiny-budget-single-pencil-drawing--cms-26401

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