How Many Representatives Does Your State Have in the House

How Many Representatives Are There in Each State?
The United States Congress is divided into two chambers: the Firm of Representatives and the Senate. The Firm of Representatives allows for no more than 435 officials to exist divided among the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five U.Southward. territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Each of the 50 states is guaranteed two senators regardless of population size. However, neither Washington, D.C. nor the U.S. territories accept representation in the Senate.

Officials from the House are ordinarily referred to every bit congressmen, congresswomen or representatives. How the 435 seats are split is contingent on the population size of the states, and D.C. and the U.S. territories are allowed 1 seat apiece.

To illustrate how representation is divided, consider New York: The geographical size of New York is hardly a third of the size of Montana, but New York's population is xix times greater than Montana'south. This explains why New York (27 representatives) has far more than representatives than does Montana (one representative).

Does it matter how many representatives a country has? Yes, for a few important reasons. The first reason is that if a state has a large population and few representatives, and then it is likely that not all constituents are being represented fairly. Similarly, if a state with a pocket-sized population has a unduly large number of representatives, and so the country will be overrepresented in Congress. The 2d reason is that the number of representatives plus the ii senators in each state is equal to the number of balloter votes the state has in elections. That is to say, the more than representatives a state has, the more than influence the land can have on the ballot outcomes. The U.S. Business firm of Representatives website lists the number of officials in each country.

Depending on a state's population, officials may be assigned congressional districts. For example, Alaska has only one representative for the entire state, while California is split into 53 congressional districts with 1 representative speaking on behalf of each district. Officials for specific congressional districts can be institute here.

The public elects members of Congress to two-twelvemonth terms to serve in the House of Representatives. It is important to remember that these elected officials are in identify to serve their constituents. Asking regime officials to support global poverty reduction bills and other important issues is as simple as emailing or calling Congress. It is a representative's job to listen, and so constituents should make their voices heard.

Catherine Ticzon

Photo: Flickr


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